xlogI125’s blog


Acrobat IAC練習 用紙サイズ変更


  • 用紙サイズを変更する方法の例
    • jso.setPageBoxes
    • jso.newPage + jso.addWatermarkFromFile + AcroPDDoc.DeletePages
  • 加工後のPDFに不都合な点は無いか十分に確認してください


  • PDFをタブに表示させた状態でマクロを実行
  • 入力チェック、用紙の向き、回転は考慮しない
  • 加工後のPDFで細線が発生する場合あり
' Excel 2019, Acrobat Standard DC (2022年8月頃), Windows 11

' 参照設定
' Acrobat (Adobe Acrobat 10.0 Type Library)

' 加工後のPDFに不都合な点は無いか十分に確認してください

Option Explicit

#Const DEBUG_ = False

Public Sub 全ページでページボックスを変更()

  ' PDFをタブに表示させた状態でマクロを実行してください
  ' 入力チェック、用紙の向き、回転は考慮しない

#If DEBUG_ Then
  Dim avApp As Acrobat.AcroApp
  Dim avDoc As Acrobat.AcroAVDoc
  Dim pdDoc As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
  Dim avApp As Object
  Dim avDoc As Object
  Dim pdDoc As Object
#End If

  Dim jso As Object
  Dim paperWidth As Double, paperHeight As Double
  Dim pageNum As Long, numPages As Long
  Dim rBox() As Variant, rBoxNew(0 To 3) As Variant
  Dim xll As Double, yll As Double
  Dim xur As Double, yur As Double
  Dim marginLeft As Double, marginBottom As Double
  Dim xllNew As Double, yllNew As Double
  Dim xurNew As Double, yurNew As Double

  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

  Set avApp = VBA.Interaction.CreateObject(Class:="AcroExch.App")
  Set avDoc = avApp.GetActiveDoc()
  Set pdDoc = avDoc.GetPDDoc()
  Set jso = pdDoc.GetJSObject()

  paperWidth = VBA.Conversion.CDbl( _
    VBA.Interaction.InputBox( _
      Prompt:="変更後における" & VBA.Constants.vbCrLf & _
              "用紙の幅[mm]を半角数字で入力", _
      Title:="paperWidth", _
      Default:="420" _
    ) _

  paperHeight = VBA.Conversion.CDbl( _
    VBA.Interaction.InputBox( _
      Prompt:="変更後における" & VBA.Constants.vbCrLf & _
              "用紙の高さ[mm]を半角数字で入力", _
      Title:="paperHeight", _
      Default:="297" _
    ) _

  numPages = pdDoc.GetNumPages()

  For pageNum = 0 To numPages - 1 Step 1
    rBox = jso.getPageBox("Crop", pageNum)

    xll = rBox(0) * 25.4 / 72
    yll = rBox(3) * 25.4 / 72
    xur = rBox(2) * 25.4 / 72
    yur = rBox(1) * 25.4 / 72

    marginLeft = (paperWidth - (xur - xll)) / 2
    marginBottom = (paperHeight - (yur - yll)) / 2

    xllNew = xll - marginLeft
    yllNew = yll - marginBottom
    xurNew = xllNew + paperWidth
    yurNew = yllNew + paperHeight

    rBoxNew(0) = xllNew * 72 / 25.4
    rBoxNew(3) = yllNew * 72 / 25.4
    rBoxNew(2) = xurNew * 72 / 25.4
    rBoxNew(1) = yurNew * 72 / 25.4

    jso.setPageBoxes "Crop", pageNum, pageNum, rBoxNew

    rBoxNew(0) = 0
    rBoxNew(3) = 0
    rBoxNew(2) = (xurNew - xllNew) * 72 / 25.4
    rBoxNew(1) = (yurNew - yllNew) * 72 / 25.4

    jso.setPageBoxes "Media", pageNum, pageNum, rBoxNew

    jso.setPageBoxes "Art", pageNum, pageNum
    jso.setPageBoxes "Trim", pageNum, pageNum
    jso.setPageBoxes "Bleed", pageNum, pageNum

  Next pageNum

  Set jso = Nothing
  Set pdDoc = Nothing
  Set avDoc = Nothing
  Set avApp = Nothing

  Debug.Print VBA.Conversion.Error(VBA.Information.Err.Number)

End Sub

Public Sub 全ページを透かしとして入れる()

  ' PDFをタブに表示させた状態でマクロを実行してください
  ' 入力チェック、用紙の向き、回転は考慮しない
  ' 加工後のPDFで細線が発生する場合があります

#If DEBUG_ Then
  Dim avApp As Acrobat.AcroApp
  Dim avDoc As Acrobat.AcroAVDoc
  Dim pdDoc As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
  Dim avApp As Object
  Dim avDoc As Object
  Dim pdDoc As Object
#End If

  Dim jso As Object
  Dim paperWidth As Double, paperHeight As Double
  Dim watermarkScale As Double
  Dim pageNum As Long, numPages As Long
  Dim rBoxNew(0 To 3) As Variant
  Dim xllNew As Double, yllNew As Double
  Dim xurNew As Double, yurNew As Double

  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

  Set avApp = VBA.Interaction.CreateObject(Class:="AcroExch.App")
  Set avDoc = avApp.GetActiveDoc()
  Set pdDoc = avDoc.GetPDDoc()
  Set jso = pdDoc.GetJSObject()

  paperWidth = VBA.Conversion.CDbl( _
    VBA.Interaction.InputBox( _
      Prompt:="変更後における" & VBA.Constants.vbCrLf & _
              "用紙の幅[mm]を半角数字で入力", _
      Title:="paperWidth", _
      Default:="297" _
    ) _

  paperHeight = VBA.Conversion.CDbl( _
    VBA.Interaction.InputBox( _
      Prompt:="変更後における" & VBA.Constants.vbCrLf & _
              "用紙の高さ[mm]を半角数字で入力", _
      Title:="paperHeight", _
      Default:="210" _
    ) _

  watermarkScale = VBA.Conversion.CDbl( _
    VBA.Interaction.InputBox( _
      Prompt:= _
        "watermarkScale = -1 または 0 < watermarkScale", _
      Title:="watermarkScale", _
      Default:="0.67" _
    ) _

  numPages = pdDoc.GetNumPages()

  For pageNum = 0 To numPages - 1 Step 1
    jso.newPage numPages + pageNum

    xllNew = 0
    yllNew = 0
    xurNew = paperWidth
    yurNew = paperHeight

    rBoxNew(0) = xllNew * 72 / 25.4
    rBoxNew(3) = yllNew * 72 / 25.4
    rBoxNew(2) = xurNew * 72 / 25.4
    rBoxNew(1) = yurNew * 72 / 25.4

    jso.setPageBoxes _
      "Crop", numPages + pageNum, numPages + pageNum, rBoxNew

    rBoxNew(0) = 0
    rBoxNew(3) = 0
    rBoxNew(2) = (xurNew - xllNew) * 72 / 25.4
    rBoxNew(1) = (yurNew - yllNew) * 72 / 25.4

    jso.setPageBoxes _
      "Media", numPages + pageNum, numPages + pageNum, rBoxNew

    jso.setPageBoxes _
      "Art", numPages + pageNum, numPages + pageNum

    jso.setPageBoxes _
      "Trim", numPages + pageNum, numPages + pageNum

    jso.setPageBoxes _
      "Bleed", numPages + pageNum, numPages + pageNum

    JsoAddWatermarkFromFile _
      jso:=jso, _
      cDIPath:=jso.Path, _
      nSourcePage:=pageNum, _
      nStart:=numPages + pageNum, nEnd:=numPages + pageNum, _
      bOnTop:=True, bOnScreen:=True, bOnPrint:=True, _
      nHorizAlign:=jso.app.Constants.Align.center, _
      nVertAlign:=jso.app.Constants.Align.center, _
      nHorizValue:=0 * 72 / 25.4, _
      nVertValue:=0 * 72 / 25.4, _
      bPercentage:=False, _
      nScale:=watermarkScale, _
      bFixedPrint:=False, _
      nRotation:=0, nOpacity:=1

  Next pageNum

  pdDoc.DeletePages nStartPage:=0, nEndPage:=numPages - 1

  Set jso = Nothing
  Set pdDoc = Nothing
  Set avDoc = Nothing
  Set avApp = Nothing

  Debug.Print VBA.Conversion.Error(VBA.Information.Err.Number)

End Sub

Public Sub JsoAddWatermarkFromFile( _
    ByVal jso As Object, _
    ByVal cDIPath As String, ByVal nSourcePage As Long, _
    ByVal nStart As Long, ByVal nEnd As Long, _
    ByVal bOnTop As Boolean, _
    ByVal bOnScreen As Boolean, ByVal bOnPrint As Boolean, _
    ByVal nHorizAlign As Long, ByVal nVertAlign As Long, _
    ByVal nHorizValue As Double, ByVal nVertValue As Double, _
    ByVal bPercentage As Boolean, _
    ByVal nScale As Double, _
    ByVal bFixedPrint As Boolean, _
    ByVal nRotation As Long, ByVal nOpacity As Double _

  jso.addWatermarkFromFile _
    cDIPath, nSourcePage, _
    nStart, nEnd, _
    bOnTop, _
    bOnScreen, bOnPrint, _
    nHorizAlign, nVertAlign, _
    nHorizValue, nVertValue, _
    bPercentage, _
    nScale, _
    bFixedPrint, _
    nRotation, nOpacity

End Sub

Public Sub JavaScriptデバッガーのウィンドウを表示()

  ' PDFをタブに表示させた状態でマクロを実行してください

  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

  With VBA.Interaction.CreateObject(Class:="AcroExch.App")
  End With

  Debug.Print VBA.Conversion.Error(VBA.Information.Err.Number)

End Sub

